Jolly English a winner at the 2019 Teach Early Years Awards
We are delighted to announce that our brand new Jolly English programme has been named as a winner in the Communication, Language and Literacy category at the 2019 Teach Early Years Awards!
Combining vocabulary and phonics to give children to best start, Jolly English is an English language course that has been carefully developed and sequenced for pre-school children who have little or no knowledge of English. New words and phrases are introduced using songs, games, chants and stories that bring the course to life and develop children’s English language.
You can view preview pages of Jolly English and read further information on our online shop here. Alternatively, you can view our online Jolly English flyer here. Additionally, you can watch Jolly Study Square’s excellent video on YouTube that breaks down the resources within the programme. (10th October 2019.)
Interview with Emma Ince in this month's Parent Talk magazine
Emma Ince – Deputy Head Teacher at Tudor Primary School – has been interviewed in the October edition of Parent Talk magazine, an education magazine for parents across the UK.
In this short interview, Emma discusses how they have managed to turn around standards at the school since re-evaluating their phonics teaching several years ago. At the time, pass marks for the key stage phonics screening check were a meagre 24 per cent; today, they are above the national average with an excellent 90%!
You can read the full article by clicking here. (2nd October 2019.)
Interview with Lisa Humpheryes in this month's Education Today magazine
Lisa Humpheryes – Senior Deputy Head Teacher at Rush Green Primary School – has been featured in a ‘View from the Classroom’ section in the September edition of Education Today magazine, a magazine for teachers across the UK.
In this short interview, Lisa discusses how they have managed to turn around standards at the school over the last 6 years, turning the school into one of the highest achieving schools in the area.
You can read the full article by clicking here. (23rd September 2019.)
Chris Jolly awarded IPG Patron's Lifetime Achievement Award
Jolly Learning Ltd Managing Director and Owner Chris Jolly has been awarded the Independent Publishers Guild Patron’s Lifetime Achievement Award.
This award is to celebrate the career-long achievements of someone who has made a lasting difference to independent publishing.
Since founding the company in 1987, Chris has dedicated his life to making high-quality literacy education accessible to children the world over with the Jolly Phonics and Grammar programme.
IPG c.e.o. Bridget Shine said: “Chris embodies so many of the qualities of independent publishing. He is an entrepreneur with the drive to start up his own business, the vision and tenacity to achieve sustained growth, and a passion for his publishing that inspires others. Jolly Learning’s work around the world also shows how independent publishers can make huge contributors to international trade and can change people’s lives.” (17th September 2019.)
Interview with Tessa Hackworth in this month's Teach Primary magazine
Tessa Hackworth – author of our brand new Jolly English programme – has been featured in an ‘Ask the Expert’ section in the September edition of Teach Primary magazine, a magazine for teachers across the UK.
In this short interview, Tessa discusses how teachers can make the English language accessible to young learners, and how they can achieve success with EAL students.
You can read the full article by clicking here. (9th September 2019.)
Brand new Jolly Music Level 4 Handbook now available!
We are delighted to announce the release of our brand new Jolly Music Level 4 Handbook that has now arrived and is available to purchase!
The Music Handbook Level 4 is the fifth year of music teaching, building on the skills the children learned at Level 3 while still supporting the teacher every step of the way.
You can view preview pages of The Music Handbook: Level 4, download sample audio tracks and read further information on our online shop here. And to find out more about the Jolly Music programme – including free videos, demo software, research and the opportunity to contact a Jolly Music teacher – please click here. (2nd September 2019.)
Jolly English Shortlisted at the 2019 Teach Early Years Awards
We are delighted to announce that our brand new Jolly English programme has been shortlisted in the Communication, Language and Literacy category at the 2019 Teach Early Years Awards!
Cominbing vocabulary and phonics to give children to best start, Jolly English is an English language course that has been carefully developed and sequenced for pre-school children who have little or no knowledge of English. New words and phrases are introduced using songs, games, chants and stories that bring the course to life and develop children’s English language.
You can view preview pages of Jolly English and read further information on our online shop here. Alternatively, you can view our online Jolly English flyer here. Additionally, you can watch Jolly Study Square’s excellent video on YouTube that breaks down the resources within the programme. (25th July 2019.)
Brand new Jolly Phonics Orange Level Readers now available!
We are delighted to announce the release of our brand new Jolly Phonics Orange Level Readers that have now arrived and are available to purchase!
These brand new general fiction readers provide a gradual and structured start for children still learning how to read. They cover the 42 letter sounds across 7 sets of 3 books, with each set covering one particular group of sounds. The last set of readers also feature a small number of tricky words. Children can be introduced to these books as each group of sounds is taught.
You can view preview pages of our readers and read further information on our online shop here. Alternatively, you can browse our online Orange Readers flyer here. Additionally, you can watch our YouTube video that highlights the progression of the readers and displays the activities and guidance included in each book. (18th July 2019.)
Eastern Cape to pioneer Jolly Phonics in South Africa
The Easter Cape has become the province to pioneer the Jolly Phonics programme in South Africa, allowing thousands of teachers to undergo training to improve their teaching.
This follows on from a pilot in 2018 that saw the reading levels of participating pupils leap eight months ahead of their non-participating peers. Subsequently, over 6,500 Grade 1 teachers from more than 4,000 schools have now been selected to undergo the training.
You can read the full article on Herald Live here. (24th June 2019.)
Ghana Education Service to begin training 152,000 teachers in Jolly Phonics
The Ghana Education Service will begin training for 152,000 Kindergarten and Primary School Teachers on the new Standard Based Curriculum for basic schools.
As part of the training programme, teachers will be taken through Jolly Phonics.
You can read the full article on GhanaWeb here. (14th May 2019.)