Claim your free School Pack!

In your Jolly Phonics School Pack, you will find a fantastic collection of engaging Jolly Phonics resources and helpful teaching guides designed to help you successfully implement the Jolly Phonics programme in your classroom.



What’s included:

  • Jolly Phonics Pupil Book 1 – a write-in book that provides fun and engaging lesson activities for young children in their first year of learning to read and write

  • Jolly Phonics Teacher’s Book – an essential guide to using the Pupil Books, offering a set of structured lesson plans that give step-by-step guidance on all aspects of the lesson

  • x1 Jolly Phonics Letter Sound Strip – a reference strip showing the 42 main letter sounds on one side and the main alternative vowel spellings on the other

  • x2 Jolly Phonics Decodable Readers – fully decodable reading books covering a wide variety of genres and exciting stories, specifically designed to help children become fluent and confident readers

  • Jolly Phonics Parent/Teacher Guide – a handy guide providing background information on the Jolly Phonics programme, as well as product suggestions for each stage of your children’s development

  • Jolly Phonics 2023 Catalogue – a complete catalogue filled with resources to help your children learn to read and write

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