Dr. SV Gomathi

Navi Mumbai

Dr. S.V. Gomathi, PhD in Education, is an Education Consultant for private and government schools. In 2004, she pioneered the trial of Jolly Phonics for ESL children in Hyderabad, achieving remarkable results. Prof. Pauline Dixon published a report on the impact of Jolly Phonics based on Dr. S.V. Gomathi’s work. Since then, she has promoted Jolly Phonics to schools and parents nationwide, focusing on empowering children through quality English education and increasing access to schools using Jolly Phonics.

With over 50,000 teachers trained in India and abroad, she introduced Jolly Phonics to Delhi government schools via ARK (NGO), prior to that in budget private schools, private international schools, Rumi Education Services and led rollouts in West Khasi Hills, Meghalaya. Her advocacy helped shape the Jolly Futures Programme in South India, making her a key figure in expanding Jolly Phonics in primary schools in Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, and Odisha. He plays a role as a Project Manager for Jolly Futures in the region she is working in India. 

Her recent achievement was a state-wide roll-out in Tamil Nadu for the academic year 2023-24. She also teaches Jolly Phonics, Jolly Grammar, and Jolly English, and has seen the positive impact of the Jolly Classroom App in classrooms and teacher training.

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Across India