Makiko Takahashi


Makiko has taught Jolly Phonics at elementary schools as a guest teacher in Koganei, Tokyo since 2015. She established Takahashi English and became a teacher at Jolly English Eigo no Oto to Moji no Gakushu Labo, a tutoring school in Koganei, Tokyo in 2016. She teaches Jolly Phonics and Jolly Grammar to children. 

The children became very confident and satisfied with their skills, decoding unknown words and sentences in English by learning the letter-sound correspondences taught in Jolly Phonics. She emphasises the importance of explicitly following the Jolly Phonics methods to help children improve their reading and writing skills.  Their writings become more expressive with spelling knowledge, a deep understanding of parts of speeches, and punctuation rules.

She has been accredited as a professional trainer since January 2018 and has been training in person, remotely, or on-site in Japanese or English.  The trainees experience how to make lesson plans for all the sounds so that they can utilise the skills in their classes soon after the training.  They also learn the details about teaching Jolly Grammar.

2015年から東京都小金井市の小学校で英語活動ボランティアに携わり、2016年から「Jolly Phonics 英語の音と文字の学習Labo」などでJolly Phonicsの指導講師をしております。Jolly Phonicsで音と文字の対応を学んだ子ども達は、自信を持ち、楽しみながら、自ら英語の言葉や文章を読み解くようになっていきます。Jolly Phonicsの手法を忠実に行うことの大切さを共有し、子ども達の英語の読み書きの力を向上させることに役立ちたいと思っております。指導は日本語で行います。

Travel Information:
Tokyo and online training