Yvonne Dalorto

Yvonne Dalorto

Yvonne is a British trained teacher and former headteacher, specialising in Early Years Education, Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and ESL teaching.
Yvonne has been using the Jolly Learning range since 1989 when she was part of a SEND team in the UK and recognising the impressive results, helped move it to the literacy hour. As a trainer, she has travelled extensively, delivering training to support a wide range of curriculums and educational facilities. Additionally, working closely with the team of international trainers and supporting their events.
As the Community Manager for Jolly Learning, Yvonne addresses the needs of our clients and assists with implementation and curriculum guidance.  Furthermore, she works closely with the clients and the trainers to provide the very best service.
B.A Education. B.A Early Years, M.B.A Anthropology of Childhood, Cert. SEN
+34 617881349
Travel Information:
Spain, UK and international