England (Romford)
Lisa Humpheryes is a passionate teacher, specialising in the Early Years. She is a highly experienced LA moderator for the EYFS and an outstanding practitioner. Lisa is also a Basic Skills Assessor and an NPQML trainer.
Lisa is inspired by the structure of the Jolly Phonics programme and is fully supportive of its kinesthetic approach so that all learners are engaged and motivated. Lisa and other staff in the school where she works have modelled lessons for for the training and delivery of synthetic phonics and Jolly Grammar, to EYFS and KS1 practitioners from around the world. The school has also been involved in reviewing and trialling Jolly Learning materials. Further, Lisa has supported the development of EYFS provision and phonics development through training and mentoring in other schools. She has in depth subject knowledge and is passionate about all children becoming fluent readers and writers through the skilled delivery of high quality phonic lessons.
As a Senior Deputy Headteacher, Lisa has experience of developing the teaching of synthetic phonics at her current school and in her previous settings. Lisa has also had experience of supporting synthetic phonics development in other schools, including those in difficulty. Lisa has been a guest speaker at a Jolly Learning Conference and the school where she currently works is a Jolly Phonics partner school.