Tania is a qualified and highly experienced English teacher. She has been teaching English to children, teens and adults for over fifteen years. She is an expert in official English exams preparation and has elaborated two language –learning books, along with creating content for a variety of other materials. Additionally, 10 years ago she founded the project English4teachersandfamilies which helps families in how to use the English language on a daily basis and trains nursery educators and teachers in how to use Jolly Phonics. She is a qualified University Expert in CLIL.
Her interest in training teachers to help children to read and write in the best possible way, lead her to learn and use Jolly Phonics. She has been delighted with the results and is totally convinced of the importance of using this methodology in all schools of Spain.
One of her mottos as a teacher is the saying: “teach me and I forget, show me and I remember, involve me and I learn” and in her opinion, this essence is to be found in Jolly Phonics.